Envisioning a more compassionate world.

Providing education to the women of the world is going save the planet: This is from Has Rosling based on statistics from the UN.  

In fact, infant mortality historically decreases as the education of women increases. (It takes time, a generation at least.) When infant mortality decreases, parents largely choose to have smaller families. Their communities become reflective of a greater commitment to long term benefits for its members.

Despair incapacitates; turn that into continuous loss and you desensitize and paralyze and human beings cannot access common sense or contribute to the growth of a humane society. 

Mothers who suffer the frequent loss of young children get demoralized to the point that they can only lie down and take it.  They cannot afford to invest as much love and attention to a child that will not be likely to survive. The children who survive belong to superstitious luck.  This leaves them open to whatever crack pot pseudo religion that might come along and regardless, it leaves them very vulnerable.

Conversely, women who are educated are committed to the betterment of the community. Healthy children grow into human beings who, having been nurtured and encouraged exercise that most extraordinary human quality, that of envisioning a compassionate world.

I passed the Jury for the Little Art Show!

Yes Jim the Boston Terrier did it for me again!!!!  I don’t know if I will be able to go this year, my usual “dates” have “no more room for art on any of my walls” or are in Australia!   Lame – o Excuse Much?  But for those of you who are looking at naked walls (for shame!) and within driving distance to Toronto:

Saturday, November 13 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm

Location Mercedes Benz downtown, Dundas and River Streets


More Info A magical evening of art, food and culture. Join the artists of the Artists’ Network for the Little Art Show on November 13th, 2010. Featuring Maggie Cassella. Bebfiting the Artists’ Network and the Riverdale Art Walk. Tickets available at www.artistsnetwork.ca/las