
My garden consists of pots filled with the rejects of small grocers and hardware stores, usually marked down to a ridiculously small amount, to the point that I could not help but be tempted. I grabbed them, put them in whatever bag, or pocket and carried them home.

I am going to have a lot of green tomatoes, the temperature is dipping lower every night and the air has the fresh bite of a Canadian Autumn coming: I will make some salsa.

They feed my soul, or at least the part of me that appreciates the late bloomers. 🙂


Getting On the Subway

It was crowded. Two trains went by out of service. Everyone looked straight ahead while a man further down, perpendicular to the bulk of the crowd, was yelling something . I decided to walk towards him. I’d been thinking about how scared people are now. Nobody is talking but there are ‘crazy people’ yelling all over the place. I didn’t know if he was one of them but I walked towards him, past people with ear buds in, attached to ipods and smart phones listening to whatever they chose instead.
The train came before I got too far along the platform and I joined the rest of them. I don’t know if he got onto another car.

I put my ear buds in and selected the e-book I had downloaded from the library. It is called “Being Mortal”.

Random Acts of Apples!

I was riding my bike to Value Village (okay how GREEN is that?) and I saw a man picking apples from a tree with one of those long pole apple picker things and he gave me a bag! Not Far From the Tree doesn’t pick fruit in Scarborough, one of the many ways Scarborough is shunned by the Smoke, (note to self: get over it), but this guy told me he drove to their office and donated a bunch of apples anyway! I am making a savoury pie of ground turkey and green apples this morning before it gets too hot!


little green apples make great apple sauce and are tart enough to compliment a savoury pie.