Woman Poem

Woman Poem
by Rio Murphy

When she was my child 
I paused at the perfect curl of her earlobe.
She was a comma in my diatribe
about laundry and bills,
my aching back,
the sticky handprints everywhere,
the runny noses and endless nights of fitful sleep:
The Joy of Her.
When she was myself,
if I looked away
and back again
just in 
She was a blinking cursor.
When she was my old mother
with her tissue paper skin
and brittle bones on which it hung,
one black pupil 
narrowing within
the colourless iris of
her one sighted eye
—the spoon suspended halfway to her lips Like a question mark—
she was the poem
I could not write.
A woman poem is a ribbon in a river flashing underwater, 
It catches on an ankle,
Then slips away over black river stones, unknown.

by Derek Walcott

The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,
and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

This reading is part of On Being’s altogether wonderful poetry archive.

Today I Will Make Bread.

I won’t worry about my grown children,
or think about why I ache when I think of them.

Today I bake. 
Inhale the frothy smell of yeast rising like magic.
Throw the dough on to the board, flour filling the air with clouds.
Wipe my hands on my apron then
put my shoulder into it,
Kneading. Kneading. Kneading. 

My mother would kiss the dough and tell me as she formed it into buns, “Like babies’ bums”.
When I close my eyes I’m in her kitchen.

The smell of baking filling the house.

And then the timer chimes and I wait like a child,
impatient for the bread to cool:
My own mother now,
my own child.

I am feeling blue

Okay so i finally met a doctor who has seen what i had, once. It is fairly rare and usually happens as a complication of something else like blood thinners or surgery but it can also happen for no apparent reason. It is called a rectus sheath hematoma and you can google it.

I guess i had a #2 cause they told me 2 to 4 months recovery. (14 cm x 7 cm bleed) No bike riding.  Rest and iron pills and maybe cold compresses and Tylenol. Yay summertime is ruined, again.
I will see a surgeon in August to discuss if anything needs to be done, probably not. “The good news in your case is it probably was just bad luck.” So much for those lucky socks i got for xmas.


My garden consists of pots filled with the rejects of small grocers and hardware stores, usually marked down to a ridiculously small amount, to the point that I could not help but be tempted. I grabbed them, put them in whatever bag, or pocket and carried them home.

I am going to have a lot of green tomatoes, the temperature is dipping lower every night and the air has the fresh bite of a Canadian Autumn coming: I will make some salsa.

They feed my soul, or at least the part of me that appreciates the late bloomers. 🙂


Sunday with Wednesday the dog!

On Sunday I got to look after Wednesday. She was a rescue. She had been used to breed puppies. Now she lives with lovely Chaase and Meagan who were away for the day to watch the Pride Parade. Toronto is hosting International Pride Week!

Wednesday would not chill out and just watch t.v. At one point she did have a nap (as did I) in the backyard but in view of the car.

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She just wanted to check over and over…


She ran around a bit…

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but it always lead to the door.

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Food was a distraction.

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But before long she wanted to check again…

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She looks like an Ewok!

She knew they wouldn’t leave the car… Dogs are more like little children than cats, even when they are smaller than a cat. I remembered a very young child in my care for the first time would have behaved in the same way.

Poor pet was exhausted. She fell asleep under the kitchen table shortly after they arrived. That little dog can snore!

Odd socks and how they got that way…

I have cracked the “odd sock” phenomenon! On my way back from the compost box this morning, across the freshly fallen snow there it was, the black sock lying there like it was marking the scene of a crime!

I have been plagued by lost socks and lonely left-behinds all my life but today I know how they do it. IT’S NOT BLACK HOLES! It is static cling.

I got my housecoat out of the dryer, it was chilly in the basement so I put it on. The escaping sock hung on while I made my coffee and did a few chores and then saw it’s chance after I left the house. It jumped off!

I get it, I don’t want to spend most of my time in a dark, possibly moldy place either (oh wait, I do don’t I?) but Sock, you are part of a pair. You have an identical twin who needs you to have purpose in her life, I do not…

OMG, I have to get out of here!!!!

Things you can clean with vinegar…

This was originally posted in 2011. I found out that this was my most viewed post, probably because I tried an experiment. I put “boobs” as a category. Still it is one of my best. Funny.

I find it annoying when, unasked, people give me “helpful hints”, for example telling me great ways to clean this or that.  I also resent unsolicited decorating advice, advice on clothing, make-up, parenting, gardening, shopping and preparing meals.  I don’t like being told I should go on Prozac or take up yoga.  The last bit of advice might be the only useful advice I’ve been given but I still don’t like it.

I am now a woman of 50+. Is that meaningful?  I don’t know.  Apparently Feminism is dead. Apparently I am not. It might explain why I am cranky.  I repeat my age  whenever my mother tells me, (daily) that she is 89 years old.  Yes, 89!!! That means, as far as she is concerned, no matter how old I get she will always be wiser. I feel cheated.

I wrote this little article for a now defunct periodical called “Homebase Magazine”. It was published by MAW a feminist lobby group here in Canada, focused on the concerns of feminist moms.  I called it: “Helpful Hints”. I don’t know what year it was. It was before we had to watch television to know “reality”. 

There are people and pets mentioned who are no longer living. My brother has nursed many dogs since Kelly, the dog I mentioned here. I have also questioned the bit about people asking to smoke in the house.  WOULD ANYONE DARE NOWADAYS? The whole article was supposed to be funny/informative but with so many people on anti-depressants now and the fact that making things “shiny” could be considered a career, I am afraid it will not be.

These really are things you can clean with vinegar. 

 Dog Pee

 If your doggie pees on the carpet, apparently washing it with vinegar will discourage him from peeing there again. I don’t have a dog, so I have no idea if he won’t just keep finding new places to pee.  I suppose you can just follow him around with a bucket of vinegar washing where he pees until every inch of floor is washed.

My brother’s dog peed on a balloon in my dining room.  He peed on the same balloon when it was in the kitchen.  He is a very old dog. My brother has to lift him up after he’s been lying down for a while because he gets stiff and can’t move.  He also has to brush the dog’s teeth every day because they are bad. 

 His breath is terrible, the dog’s breath, not my brother’s at least I don’t think his breath is bad but I can’t be sure because I didn’t kiss him.

 I didn’t try washing the balloon with vinegar.  I just threw it out. But if his dog had peed on the carpet I could have told you if washing with vinegar really worked.

Clean Air

 This information I got from a Mennonite cookbook: “A saucer of vinegar will rid the room of cigarette smoke.” If you are like most people these days, you won’t let any one smoke in your house.  If anyone asks you if it’s al right to smoke in your house you will tell them that you think they are disgusting and that they have no consideration of their own health or the health of their friends and children.

Furniture Polish

 Use cider vinegar for dark woods; white vinegar for light woods.

 Mix 1 c. vinegar

2 c olive oil

Apply lightly and buff when dry.


 Combine ¼ c. turpentine

¼ c. vinegar

¼ c. boiled linseed oil

Shake and rub on the furniture with a soft cloth and polish dry in twenty minutes.


 Paint brushes that have hardened will soften and clean more easily if boiled in vinegar.

You can remove dried paint from glass by rubbing it with a cloth soaked in hot vinegar and then scraping it with a knife.

 Lime Deposits

 Here’s something that I bet you never thought of:  There are lime deposits in your kettle, shame, shame! Bet you won’t sleep at night now.  But there’s a solution! Equal parts of water and vinegar boiled in that nasty kettle and left to sit over night will wash them away! Rinse it in the morning with cold water and you will sleep better from then on.  Honest!

 Vinegar will also work on the lime deposits in your children’s pet hamster cage, if it’s not politically correct these days to keep pets in cages…well, I just don’t know.

Bob is really my son’s hamster but I don’t mind cleaning his cage at all.  I really love Bob.  I think he loves me too. A lot of people tell me that I shouldn’t get so emotionally attached to a rodent because they don’t live very long but I no longer feel that it is how long a relationship lasts that determines the value of it. I feel I’ve grown as a result of knowing Bob.

 This doesn’t really have anything to do with Bob, except that it illustrates how you should not judge the value of relationships by longevity, this is what I wrote:

  I joined an artist’s guild.  I had finished chemotherapy and my hair had grown back.  At a meeting a woman came up to me and said, “Where you the new member who was bald last year?”


“Oh, I thought so.  Sorry I didn’t introduce myself at the time but I thought you were going to die.

See?  You never know.

 Washing windows

Half vinegar, half warm water and a few drops of dish soap make an excellent solution for cleaning the dirtiest windows. Buff with old newspaper. It dries without leaving streaks. That’s all. Seriously, you just have to believe me.

Life is full of messes. I try not to gripe and to look after my own.   But I also believe it is not all about keeping things shiny.    It’s important not to confuse smells with stink.  It’s important to think.