Winter Writing

Winter, the air was as dry as unbuttered toast.
Ice formed from any moisture and hung onto any thread.
Children were bundled so if they fell
it would be face up
so they wouldn’t suffocate,
their identities unknowable behind scarves and hats pulled low.
Until a Chinook
when they threw off their stiff winter clothes
and ran in their socks and shirt sleeves
in yards of mud,
no, not ran, but hopped
like new little toads with tails abandoned,
this way and that,
with the randomness of joy.
And when it was over
they came home dressed in other children’s winter clothes.

rio, 2019

Xmas Panda-monium?

I went to my son-in-law’s family Xmas. It was pandemonium with a medium sized panda.

All the kids got an anonymous gift of a stuff toy animal in support of the W.W.F. What a great gift. Not my idea and no one came forward, so it makes you wonder… well he loves reindeer so perhaps he cares about all the animals too.



and these are only the ones that fit in the frame!


anonymous panda with a donation to a charity!

Eddie the Dog and Blue Bayou Cat, Pan Dimensional Beings

I prefer to visit houses that have animals or children in them, of course humans too, this means I might get a hot beverage.  This weekend I was reunited with my brother’s cohabiters.  feb2017-138We bonded. But I didn’t feed them so it was brief. Spanning pan dimensions requires the intake of lots of fuel after all (and naps, preferably in the sun) so they aren’t being rude when they ask for food, just expedient.

When in Doubt: Wave Hands Like Clouds!

So until I can get a loaner brain I am hanging out with babies and family pets and avoiding complex questions, like, do I need to wear clothes?  The last time I felt this confounded I had recently fallen on my face metaphorically, I won’t expand on the subject, suffice to say, falling on your face can take time to get over, even when its metaphorically.

I could however ride my bike, not a metaphorical or even a stationary one like those being ridden by the spin class behind me in my heading picture, but a REAL bicycle  and so my youngest and I rode around Ottawa taking in all the great parks and canals and free stuff that our wonderful capital city provides.  After riding until we felt tired we would get off our bikes, lie on the grass and slurp on some box juices and watch the clouds.

There is a wonderful state under a big sky when you feel as if you are falling, or flying or floating.  And nothing moves in your mind faster than the clouds, in fact it almost seems you are thinking the clouds.

This is Wilf.  He is six months old.  I think he noticed the same thing.

Which brings me to the Tai Chi movement, move hands like clouds. I am still sitting zazen, but I am finding tai chi helps the most.  After doing a short set in the morning I can move my head from side to side without feeling dizzy. When I was studying Tai Chi with a group in Ottawa I met many people, including a man who had been severely brain injured by a drunk driver, who found Tai Chi good for their brains.

Sunday with Wednesday the dog!

On Sunday I got to look after Wednesday. She was a rescue. She had been used to breed puppies. Now she lives with lovely Chaase and Meagan who were away for the day to watch the Pride Parade. Toronto is hosting International Pride Week!

Wednesday would not chill out and just watch t.v. At one point she did have a nap (as did I) in the backyard but in view of the car.

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She just wanted to check over and over…


She ran around a bit…

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but it always lead to the door.

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Food was a distraction.

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But before long she wanted to check again…

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She looks like an Ewok!

She knew they wouldn’t leave the car… Dogs are more like little children than cats, even when they are smaller than a cat. I remembered a very young child in my care for the first time would have behaved in the same way.

Poor pet was exhausted. She fell asleep under the kitchen table shortly after they arrived. That little dog can snore!

Ten Things to Beat the Winter Blues

Thing Three: Angels among us

Diva was a great old friend and companion. She was a person cat. She appeared in the garden shortly after our cat was hit and killed by a car. She looked almost like our cat, Princess Po Po. (Young daughter named her!)

Even though she was a beautiful Maine Coon it seemed no one owned her. She had a sub-dermal tag from the Humane Society so someone loved her once but the address with the tag did not turn up an owner.

I was going through CHOP chemo for stage 4 Non-hodgkins lymphoma and it was really painful. Diva moved in and would lie on top of me purring. It was really healing. 30937_600

She lived with us for eleven years until last spring. I am still in remission!

I found a book that I thought really captured what our animal angels can do for us. It was called, “My Cat Saved My LIfe”. It is an inspiring story of learning how to move through grief into life, as taught by a cat.


puppy with flower

puppyBorder Collie Their mom told me that every shop they went into they were given treats, even donuts at one place. They stopped on the way home and performed the theme song to Star Wars in barks!

They were very still, at this age kids (and puppies!) are usually able to “sit”, if they are happy, or waiting for a treat!

Jazz’n Buttons

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I actually know Buttons. He is the mostly black cat painted here. He lived at my house for a while. He was a bit insecure at first. Diva seemed determined to keep him “below stairs” which was funny because he looks like a butler.

He is now residing with two lovely humans and a menagerie of creatures which include Jazz, the mostly white cat. He has grown into his uniform. He is now the concierge.

It is a gift for one of his humans. I got a migraine from the weird barometric flux going on in this part of the world so it was painted with one eye closed. I don’t know how successful this painting is so tell me what you think.