I Find Reading About Neurology Helps Me Feel Better About Myself.

I just finished “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande and now I am reading, “The Man Who Wasn’t There, Investigations into the Strange New Science of the Self”  by Anil Ananthaswarmy. The first made me feel a lot better about my mother’s death, which was a “good death” all in all. He makes reference to several other books which put me on another path of reading, hence “The Man Who…”

“Thinking Fast and Slow” is the next one I hope to get from the library although I am 369th on a waiting list.

I have had a few experiences and I possess a few patterns, at times frightening and other times  wonderful . But I have never enjoyed being “odd” or “weird” except perhaps when I finally gave up trying and just practiced Zazen and Tai Chi a lot. It is exciting for me to learn that neurology is coming up with some very neat connections; New ideas that sometime sound like Buddhist psychology, Zen, Shinjin.  🙂

What Missing Towel Day Means to Me

I am not much into big holidays. They come, I notice and then they go. Sometimes they involve seeing people in a group and wishing I could just go for a nice walk with them one at a time and hear what is happening in thier lives. But Towel Day is important to me and I don’t care who else has an opinion negative or positive about it, I LOVE IT.

At 6pm (Irish Time, omg don’t you LOVE that) I missed a live stream of a reading from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe.

I missed going to the grocery store and carrying a towel with me. Instead I got in a really bad mood about my electricity bill, I completely defiled the meaning of Towel Day which is:

Don’t Panic!

Here is a wonderful music video called: Towel Day

Odd socks and how they got that way…

I have cracked the “odd sock” phenomenon! On my way back from the compost box this morning, across the freshly fallen snow there it was, the black sock lying there like it was marking the scene of a crime!

I have been plagued by lost socks and lonely left-behinds all my life but today I know how they do it. IT’S NOT BLACK HOLES! It is static cling.

I got my housecoat out of the dryer, it was chilly in the basement so I put it on. The escaping sock hung on while I made my coffee and did a few chores and then saw it’s chance after I left the house. It jumped off!

I get it, I don’t want to spend most of my time in a dark, possibly moldy place either (oh wait, I do don’t I?) but Sock, you are part of a pair. You have an identical twin who needs you to have purpose in her life, I do not…

OMG, I have to get out of here!!!!